EASA AeMC aircrew examinations

Institution for health care OptimaMed is organisation certified as a HR.AeMC.04 by Croatian Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA) to carry out all medical examinations of aviation personnel including EASA initial (first time) medical examinations for class 1 medical fitness (airline transport pilots and commercial pilots of airplanes and helicopters) and class 3 medical fitness (air traffic controllers) for the purpose of evaluation of medical fitness and issuing medical certificates.
We also provide a revalidation or renewal medical examinations for EASA class 1, 2, 3, LAPL and CC medical certificates.
Our head of AeMC speaks fluently English, French, German and Italian.
In case You want to find out more about medical examinations we provide and make an appointment in our AeMC or simply ask for additional explainations, feel free to contact us on: +385 95 2002 444 from 7 AM till 3 PM CET (UTC +1) on Monday – Friday or write to us on e-mail: info@optimamed.com.hr.
Our kind personnel will provide You with all applicable information in order to carry out needed medical examination stressfree and user friendly.
- Aviation personnel is supported by our AMEs in handling decrease in medical fitness while being on sickleave until the moment when is safe to return to safely usage of privilegies of possessed category.
- Our AMEs council aviation personnel how to use safely medications, about side-effects and how they influence on medical fitness for the category they possess.
- We educate the EASA medical certificate Class 1, 2, 3, LAPL and CC holders how to prevent psychophysical health and wellbeing.
- Safety is our mission and our scope is to become reliable and user friendly partner in field of aviation medicine to all stakeholders in aviation industry.
Instructions for performing initial (first time) medical examination for EASA class 1 and 3 of aviation personnel
At the initial examination for class 1 and 3 it is necessary to bring:
- Valid ID card or passport
- Statement from the family doctor (GP) about your medical history
- If you have been treated for a chronic illness (asthma, leukemia, Crohn's disease, a psychiatric disorder, etc.) or have been treated by a speech therapist for a speech disorder or a psychologist for an emotional development or behavior disorder, be sure to take all relevant medical documentation with you. If you have had vision problems or an eye disease, bring the findings of the ophthalmologist who performs regular checkup for you.
- If you wear glasses or contact lenses, take them with you for an examination as the ophthalmologist will check if they are satisfactory.
- If you preformed chest X – ray up to 12 months ago, take the image and the results with you.
Get a good night’s sleep before the examination. Your latest light meal should be at 7 PM because of blood tests (most importantly blood lipids). For any additional questions and clarifications, feel free to contact us by e-mail: info@optimamed.com.hr or mobile phone: +385 95 2002 444 so that the examination takes place without unnecessary stress for You.
Initial medical examination for EASA class 1 (civil pilot)
The examination consists of:
- Clinical examination and mental health assessment
- Respiratory function- spirometry
- Chest X-ray
- Laboratory (CBC, glucose, blood lipids, urine)
- Urine test - psychoactive substances
- Psychological assessment
- Oftalmological examination:history; visual acuities near, intermediate and distant vision; examination of the external eye, anatomy, media (slit lamp) and fundoscopy; ocular motility; binocular vision; visual fields; tonometry on clinical indication; objective refraction: hyperopic initial applicants with a hyperopia of more than +2 dioptres and under the age of 25 should undergo objective refraction in cycloplegia; assessment of mesopic contrast sensitivity; + colour vision assessment: Ishihara plates (Anomaloscope color vision test if needed)
- ENT examination + Audiogram
- Midterm alcohol consumption testing – CDT
- Other medical examination if indicated

Initial medical examination for EASA class 3 (air traffic controller)

The examination consists of:
- Clinical examination
- Respiratory function - spirometry
- Laboratory (CBC, Glucose, blood lipids, urine)
- Oftalmological examination:history; visual acuities near, intermediate and distant vision; examination of the external eye, anatomy, media (slit lamp) and fundoscopy; ocular motility; binocular vision; visual fields; tonometry on clinical indication; objective refraction: hyperopic initial applicants with a hyperopia of more than +2 dioptres and under the age of 25 should undergo objective refraction in cycloplegia; assessment of mesopic contrast sensitivity; and colour vision assessment: anomaloscope color vision test
- ENT examination + Audiogram
- Other medical examination if indicated
EASA class 1 – revalidation/renewal of medical certificate
Necessary for examination:
- ID card/passport
- latest medical certificate
- flight licence
- medical documentation/medical report if you suffer from some diseases/conditions
- glasses/contact lenses if you wear them
The examination consists of blood and urine analysis, ECG, vision and hearing examination, completing a mental health questionnaire, clinical examination of AME.

EASA class 2 – first/initial examination

Necessary for examination:
- ID card
- a family doctor's certificate not older than one month or an extract from the medical record
- medical documentation/medical report if you suffer from some diseases/conditions
- glasses/contact lenses if you wear them
The examination consists of blood and urine analysis, ECG, vision and hearing examination, completing a mental health questionnaire, clinical examination of AME.
EASA class 2 – revalidation/renewal of medical certificate
Necessary for examination:
- ID card
- latest medical certificate
- flight licence
- medical documentation/medical report if you suffer from some diseases/conditions
- glasses/contact lenses if you wear them
The examination consists of blood and urine analysis, ECG, vision and hearing examination, completing a mental health questionnaire, clinical examination of AME.

EASA class 3 – revalidation/renewal of medical certificate

Necessary for examination:
- ID card
- a family doctor's certificate not older than one month or an extract from the health record
- latest medical certificate and ATCO license
- medical documentation/medical report if you suffer from some diseases/conditions
- glasses/contact lenses if you wear them
The examination consists of blood and urine analysis, ECG, vision and hearing examination, completing a mental health questionnaire, clinical examination of AME.
EASA Cabin Crew – First/initial examination
Necessary for examination:
- ID card
- a family doctor's certificate not older than one month or an extract from the health record
- medical documentation/medical report if you suffer from some diseases/conditions
- glasses/contact lenses if you wear them
The examination consists of blood and urine analysis, ECG, vision and hearing examination, completing a mental health questionnaire, clinical examination of AME.

EASA Cabin crew – revalidation/renewal of cabin crew medical report (CCMR)

Necessary for examination:
- ID card
- latest cabin crew medical report (CCMR) and cabin crew attestation
- medical documentation/medical report if you suffer from some diseases/conditions
- glasses/contact lenses if you wear them
The examination consists of blood and urine analysis, ECG, vision and hearing examination, clinical examination of AME.
EASA LAPL class – first/initial examination
Necessary for examination:
- ID card
- a family doctor's certificate not older than one month or an extract from the health record
- medical documentation/medical report if you suffer from some diseases/conditions
- glasses/contact lenses if you wear them
The examination consists of urinalysis, ECG, vision and hearing examination, clinical examination of AME.

EASA LAPL class – revalidation/renewal of medical certificate

Necessary for examination:
- ID card
- latest medical report and flight license
- medical documentation/medical report if you suffer from some diseases/conditions
- glasses/contact lenses if you wear them
The examination consists of urinalysis, ECG, vision and hearing examination, clinical examination of AME.