Psychological counseling

Psychological counseling
Every day, as in business and in our immediate or wider family environment, we are exposed to stimuli, events or situations that cause us unpleasant feelings of fear and uncertainty.
Sometimes our abilities or skills to independently find creative answers and build appropriate relationships are not enough or, due to long-term exposure to such events and stress, they are exhausted and impoverished.
Over time, our own psychological processes become complicated and inaccessible, our self-image is distorted, and our self-esteem is low.
And sometimes all this revives some “old and unhealed wounds”, so it seems to us that all our behavior is aimless and meaningless, that it is difficult to find a perspective from which it is even possible to see all this and at the same time gain motivation to “take a step further”.
It is not something that only happens to you, and there is no reason not to take the initiative and for such situations look for specially and appropriately educated interlocutors who will “walk” with you through this unpleasant and complicated, but still fleeting period of your life.
For consultation, please contact us by email: